Orange County Convention Center

GBTA Convention 2021

After almost two years since the last in-person event, the GBTA Convention 2021 is returning on November 17-19 at Orange County Convention Center in Orlando Florida.


GBTA Convention is the largest gathering of business travel and meetings management professionals in the world. This edition has a hybrid format which makes it very accessible to get involved. GBTA Convention offers an opportunity for industry professionals to connect with over  200+ exhibitors, learn from the 70+ educational sessions and network with industry peers.


The program will address the latest trends and technologies by industry experts. Returning to travel is a whole new journey that is why the agenda for this event is full of insights to get back to business addressing the recent issues in the travel industry, best practices to travel safely, building a sustainable business travel program, more than just technology with the latest trends, and a lot of more. 


The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) is the world’s largest gathering of business travel professionals with 9,000+ international professional members.


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