PlanetIMEX is the virtual version from IMEX Group that promise to deliver the right connections, learning sessions and strong content during this week for the meetings and events industry.
The innovate platform drives engagement since the moment you login, activities that will transport you to different places and locations, plenty of educational sessions that can be watched over and over again, listen to podcasts from the industry leaders, connections from all over the world and much more.
Face-to-face events can never be replaced by virtual events, but IMEX Group has not missed the WOW Factor that make us want to be there to network and interact with new and old colleagues.
Have you signed up for PlanetIMEX? If not do so now!
M&SE will be there and we are looking forward to e-meeting you and make new connections and partners.
#IMEXGroup #PlanetIMEX #MSE #EventProfessionals #Events #MeetingsandEvents #Onlineevents #Virtualevents #wewillmeetagain #Philippines #MICE #MSE_event #MICEandSpecialEvents